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anal canal

A man in a white shirt holds on to the a

  • Anal canal canal is the last segment of the digestive system

  • It extends from ano-rectal junction above to the anal verge below

  • The length of anal canal is 2.5 - 4 cm

  • Dentate line in the anal mucosa is an important land mark. The anal canal above the dentate line is endodermal origin so, the mucosa is not pain sensitive, whereas, the segment below dentate line is ectodermal origin, which is pain sensitive. So, any pathology in this area may be associated with significant pain & discomfort to the patient

  • Piles, anal fissure and fistula are the common benign conditions 

  • Cancer of this region may mimic other benign conditions especially piles (hemorrhoids)  resulting in undue delay in diagnosis & treating cancer. So, proper evaluation is necessary in these conditions

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What are the common disorders of anal canal?

What are the symptoms of anal canal disorders?

  • Pain during defecation

  • Bleeding per rectum

  • Pus discharge 

What are the investigations of anal canal disorders ?

  • Proctoscopy 

  • Sigmoidoscopy

  • CT scan for cancers

  • MRI scan for anal fistulas & Cancers

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